About Me

Hello, and I’m glad you have found my about me page.  My name isn’t Sir Pencil but this is what I am going to go by on here I might eventually transition to my real name but for now, I want to keep this blog as anonymous as possible and to keep myself from getting into trouble with either current or past employers I’m not going to say company names on here or anything.  But this blog will be mainly about my day-to-day life and will be updated as frequently as I possibly can.  This will be an unfiltered and unedited version of me your protagonist on this blog Sir Pencil.  I will post all news and updates and even filter in some updates on my other projects when applicable.  I will also be setting up a Patreon page for Sir Pencil to allow you guys to give me some feedback on what you like and what you don’t like.  Patreon will be going live in the coming weeks but for right now sit back and enjoy either my adventures or my misadventures in both Content Creation and the IT field.

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